Sunday, October 16, 2011

Our grand daughter, Sarah

Next weekend we are picking up our grand daughter for a brief stay overnight at our house. It is fun to have her so close as she generally is living with her parents in southern California. We are fortunate she now goes to college near us.

Sarah is a very big person on "cats". Her family has two,and she is always eager to take another one into the home. This painting was a recent one I did after one of her cats. Charlie, got out into the backyard. He is a house cat. So the painting is called, "We'll bell the cat".

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Sunsets and the Sea, patterns of nature

There are many reasons for painting the almost cliche, sunset on the water. There is pattern and texture everywhere in the painting with the rhythm of rippling waters and the textures of the clouds.

I have painted the Sunset at Shark's Cove which is done on translucent polypropylene, and I have kept the painting in a square format. I like painting square paintings now.

Our daughter-in-law, Kim, lives on Oahu and takes some spectacular photographs of sunsets.

Tomorrow night is the reception from 5:30-8:00pm of the Arts of the Covenant exhibit, "Patterns and Rhythms of Nature". This show will on through October 27, 2011. It is held upstairs at the Pacific Art League, 668 Ramona Street, Palo Alto. I hope you can come.